I’m a big believer that investing is one of the best things you can do to grow your net worth. It’s also one of the most important things you can do if you want to create a legacy for yourself and your family. The problem is, when you invest your money, you’re putting yourself at risk of losing it all. That’s why you need to know how to manage your investments with less risk, and a better return.
Tykr may show you how to do just that.
- How much you should invest every month?
- How many stocks should you own?
- Is Tykr used for investing or trading?
- When to buy and sell
- Tips for making money in the market
In addition to stock market education, Tykr offers multiple sources of information about stocks. With the following features, it saves you time and reduces your risk with detailed stock analysis.
- Seamless stock filter, e.g.
- Summary – Tykr classified each stock as “On Sale”, “Watch”, or “Overprice.
- Score – Represents the overall financial strength of a stock
- MOS – Margin of Safety aka the potential returns you can make
- Sticker Price – The real value (intrinsic value) of a stock
- In-depth financial analysis and insights
- Calculations
- Details
- Financials
- % Ratios
- News
- Watchlist – Keep track of the stocks you’re most interested in with your own watchlists.
- Watchlist Alerts – You will receive an email notification when the stock’s classification changes in your watchlist.
- Sean’s Portfolio – Top 10 picks from CEO’s portfolio.
- Performance Simulator – Compared stocks against the S&P 500.
Tykr offers three monthly/yearly plans that range in price from $13 to $20 for the yearly Basic and Pro plans. The third plan is designed for enterprises with API access. There is a 14 day trial available for free too.